Category Archives: Inuksuk*Markers

markers 11.25.18

I am so grateful for you.
each of us has such beauty inside us, and each unique.
spirit, earth, air, water and fire
weave this life with us.
they love it when we sing, dance, laugh, live
may each of us receive the beauty we deserve… today and everyday.

~juan marcos

Markers 1.23.17

Thank you for this beautiful day.

Earth, Air, Fire, Water.
Blessings to these each day.  I owe my life and body to these.

In the beginning was nothing.  And out of nothing came the song.
The song began and the elements started to dance.
The Song and the Dance started everything.

Now we are here.
When you look out your window, you will see something of nature.
a tree, wind, water… perhaps some rain, the sun, stars
all these things live in concert with you
(whether you notice them or not
whether you acknowledge them or not)
We live because of them and they live because of us, me, you.
Even if we can’t understand or explain it.
We are all in this dream together.
and yet, each is in its own dream.

Now is the Time of the dreams of humans weaving together in new ways.
and for some this is not an easy time.
for some this is fraught with fear and uncertainty.

Can you relax in the midst of all of this?
Can you find your own center?
Can you laugh?  Sing?  Cry?  Dance?
Can you be silent?
Can you be grateful this moment?  this day?
what is feeding you today and what are you feeding?

God is alive within us.  Right now.  Amazing and mysterious.
Engage your imagination and create your dream!

markers 1.21.17

good morning air, fire, water, earth
good morning spirit

I greet you with heart and song, I look out at the mountains to the east and the west, I sing to the waters all around
I take warmth from the fire in my room.

I breathe deeply.

we are all connected and I love this knowing
I send my love to all the leaders (including the one within)
I will speak when I have something to say
Now is a wonderful time for each one of us to do so
and I will remember all the parts of creation…
I love that they live with me here on this planet
in this time.

Good morning.

Markers 1/1/17

There’s a rabbit in my back yard.
What is it doing?
Does it care about life, about things?
What does it care about?
Does it care?

I like that the rabbit is there.  It makes me happy.
I’m happy that it moves through the world, and my yard.
I tossed it a carrot, two, three.
The rabbit did not touch them.
I tossed it a clover flower.
It ate it all up.

The sun shines right now on the rabbit hole entrance under my shed.  Perhaps it will snow on its grass today too.  I’m happy that we’re connected.


Markers 12.22.16

Light is Returning
Even though this is the darkest hour
no one can hold
back the Dawn

Let’s keep it burning
Let’s keep the light of hope alive
Make safe the journey
Through the storm

One planet is turning
Circle on her path around the sun
Earth Mother is calling
Her Children Home.


(thanks to Charlie Murphy)

Markers 12.21.16

Welcome to Markers.
a Marker can be a bookmark, a stone cairn, a placeholder, a talisman, something that reminds us.

of our original instructions.  Those given to us by life, breed into our DNA.  A part of the whole.  Connected to all that is.

Today one of my markers is the Sun.  It rises every day.  No matter the weather.  Every day.  What rises in me every day?  How am I like the Sun today?

thoughts… 12.20.16

This Thing Called Life.

we can do this… together.

indeed we are doing this together, whether we want to or not.  Whether we want to or not is irrelevant.  All the elements come together within us.  We are all connected.  That flower is you.  The wind is me.  The thunderstorm is the anger we all can carry.  The ocean is our capacity to bring life to any situation.  And death is only another part of the life/death/life/death dance.  We are all dancing together.

some in this country (u.s.a.) think that things are just beginning to turn around.  Some feel like they don’t know what country they live in any more.  Beneath all of this is a truth that binds us all.  There are so many ways to express this truth… my voice is simply one of them.

What voice will you feed?  Listen to?
What wolf will win the day?
Will you see how you are very different from the left?  the right?  What in your life will you give energy to?

I want to know, when we meet…  What is your dream for this Life?  and do you still believe in Love?

inuksuk*markings 2013 #17


Water is the driving force of all nature.
Leonardo da Vinci

I got this powdered water – now I don’t know what to add.
Steven Wright

We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
Jacques Yves Cousteau

One of the highlights of my trip to Bali was visiting the temple Tanah Lot.  (the photo above is Tanah Lot).  It sits on the southwest side of the island.  This temple can only be reached during low tide.  As I went up to the temple and received the blessing from the water and the priests there I felt the presence of the Spirit of Water all around me and within me.  While there were hundreds of visitors there on that exact day, due to a strong rain most of them were staying underneath shelters to stay dry.

I reveled in the wetness.  For a while Grace and I used an umbrella, but them I simply stopped caring, and I immersed myself in the wetness… the dance of liquid LIFE.

We had to be careful, walking around on rock and old reef, it was very slippery.  The main temple outcropping… an island during high tide, had a fresh water flow.  I received the blessing from that fountain and from the temple priest.  I was wet and blessed.

The tide was coming in as Grace and I stood on the outer edge, facing the west, facing the incoming waves, the incoming tide.  Water danced at our feet on occasion.  We took it all in.  The depths of the ocean surrounding us in all directions.  I’m surprised that the rainfall wasn’t salty.

The immersion in rain and wetness and water reminded me of home, of the Pacific Northwest.  and I felt the deep connection.  Water, water, water.  Outside of me and inside of me.

Activity invitation

In your own way, do a water blessing.

Announcement: Grace and I have started a new dance on the north end of Seattle on some Saturday mornings.  It is called FreeForm Dance Dance.  Go to for more details.  To receive email notices send me an email with your preferred email address.  Most dances are currently being held at the Northgate Community Center, south door entry.

*** Welcome to Inuksuk*Markings. Many of us walk a spirited path of life, taking in wisdom from all around us. Each Inuksuk will carry elements to ponder – like a reading; a quote from the world; some writing and an exercise invitation.   Feel free to pass Inuksuk around. To subscribe please write me at Thank you for being you! Jon Mark Elizondo

All original photos and words. © 2013 jon mark elizondo

inuksuk*markings 2013 #16


Every day we are reborn – new cells, new breath, new ideas.  The gifts of the child are with us every day.

I’m recently back from my honeymoon to Bali.  One of my peak experiences there was snorkeling in the reefs off of Deer Island.  To snorkel I had to face my fear of snorkeling.

When I was younger I had a chance to snorkel.  I don’t remember all the facts, but I remember getting water in my lungs and coughing and being very very scared.

Grace, my wife, wanted to snorkel.  I wanted to support her, and part of me wanted to try it again, knowing that I was older now and that I’m a good swimmer.   Grace and the guides with us were very helpful.  And I was also assisted by spotting a large blue fish swimming by Grace’s feet.  My fear was now mixed with my fascination.

I was able to state what I needed to move through my fear.

  • Someone near me.
  • Start slow.
  • The proper equipment.
  • Answering my questions.

While I was practicing in very shallow water our guide suggested that I wear a life jacket.  What a great idea!  While I was not afraid of drowning, the addition of the life jacket was a like a safety blanket for my body… and it was my body that was full of fear about the snorkeling.

Soon I was snorkeling around the reef and I even went up over the edge of the reef for a time, floating over the abyss that was dark and deep.  It was so beautiful.  I saw a school of puffer fish.  I followed a needle fish for 10 minutes.  I saw creatures I’ve never seen before… even on TV.

On my way back to the boat at the end of our time in the water I spotted something bright and colorful in the shallows… but it was not a fish   It was human trash… a bag of some sort.  I grabbed it in gratitude for my awesome dance under the waters.

Activity Invitation:

Clean up some kind of trash the next time you are in nature.

Announcement: Grace and I have started a new dance on the north end of Seattle on some Saturday mornings.  It is called FreeForm Dance Dance.  Go to for more details.  Or contact me.  The next dance is Saturday June 15th.  Doors open at 10 AM.  Dance starts at 10:15.   $10